Delta Ohm HD32MT.1 Programmable Data Logger

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The HD32MT.1 is a data logger capable of capturing and logging the values measured by aseries of sensors connected to its inputs.

The data logger is completely programmable by the user and is therefore very versatile. Thesupplied HD32MTLogger application software, supplied with the instrument, allows simpleand intuitive programming by using graphic interfaces, without the need of learning anyprogramming language, thus minimizing the time needed to make the system operational. Theconfiguration of the data logger is password protected, which prevents unauthorizedmodifications of the system.

The values recorded by the instrument can be transferred to a PC by using theHD32MTLogger software. The data logger can be configured to memorize the instant value,the minimum value, the maximum value, the average value and the standard deviation of themeasurements. For measurements that require the counting of pulses, the total countedpulses can be stored.

Different recording intervals can be programmed for the various inputs, by defining up to 8storing tables. Each recording includes acquisition date and time

The data logger has a "flash" internal memory arranged in circular mode: when the memory isfull the new data overwrite the older ones. The number of storable measurements depends onthe number of sensors employed, on the type of measurement to be stored and on the fact thatthe sensors are acquired all at the same time or at different instants. For example, with 11sensors captured at the same time, 80,000 records can be stored, each one composed of 11instantaneous measurements.

Data can also be saved in a removable SD-type memory card with a capacity of 8 GB. The useof a memory card allows extending the memory capacity of the instrument, allowing not losingthe data when the internal memory is full. The acquired data are transferred to the memorycard every 15 minutes.

Several communication possibilities between the data logger and the PC/PLC are available. Inthe basic version of the data logger, the communication with the PC for data transfer orprogramming is done via RS232C serial connection. An optional adapter (C.205) allowsconnecting the data logger to a USB port of the PC. Using optional external modules, to beconnected to the data logger serial ports, allows extending the connection possibilities: 

#RS485 connection: the data logger can be connected to RS485 lines by using theoptional external RS232/RS485 converter HD7520R. The data logger can also operateas “Modbus Slave” unit with Modbus-RTU protocol.
#Optical fiber connection: it is possible the connection to the optical fiber by using theoptional external HDTCF-142-M module (the module can also be used to connect, viaoptical fiber, the data logger RS485 port to sensors with RS485 output).
#Connection with Radio Modems: the communication takes place by VHF radio usingthe optional external HDRMO169 radio modems.
#Connection via Internet IP modem: a communication between instrument and PC canbe established via Internet with TCP/IP Server protocol through the use of theexternal optional WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA IP modem HDF2414. In the modem must beinserted a SIM card (not included).
#Ethernet connection: the communication takes place via Ethernet local network (LAN)by using the optional external HD5110 module. If the optional external HDMB3180module is used, the communication takes place with Modbus TCP/IP protocol (thedata logger operates as “Modbus-RTU Slave” unit).
#GSM/UMTS connection: all versions can be equipped with the optional externalHD5320 GSM/UMTS module, through which you can send alarm SMS to mobile phonesand send every 15 minutes the recorded data by e-mail or to an FTP address. In themodule must be inserted a SIM card (not included). On request, the module can be. supplied with the GPS option, to automatically update the clock of the data logger andidentify the installation site (latitude, longitude, altitude).
The communications via VHF or IP modem and via GSM module are especially useful forinstallations in remote unattended sites.The instrument can be connected to the most common sensors used in industrial andenvironmental fields, with both analog and digital output.The typical sensors that can be connected to the instrument are:

  • Sensors with analog voltage output, both unipolar and bipolar;
  • Sensors with analog current output (0…20 mA, 4…20 mA);
  • Thermocouple temperature sensors (type K, J, T, N, R, S, B, E);
  • Pt100/Pt1000 and NTC temperature sensors;
  • Sensors with digital output TTL level pulse (ON/OFF);
  • Resistive and potentiometric sensors (e.g. wind vane sensor);
  • Sensors with open/close contact output (e.g. rain gauges, cup anemometers);
  • Sensors with RS485 output and MODBUS-RTU or proprietary protocol;
  • HD2003 and HD52.3D series Delta Ohm anemometers. 

The values measured by the sensors can be used to calculate and store derived quantities. The following default derived quantities are available:

  • Dew Point;
  • Heat Index;
  • Wind Chill;
  • Saturation Vapor Pressure;
  • Standard Evapo transpiration ET0 with FAO and ASCE Penman-Monteith method.
The HD32MTLogger software allows to create derived quantities defined by the user.There are potential-free contact alarm outputs and digital alarm outputs.

The outputs are activated if the values measured by sensors connected to data loggers exceed the programmed thresholds or if sensors or data logger failures occur.

The instrument is particularly suitable for use in weather stations, for the detection and remote transmission of climatic variables. Delta Ohm manufactures a wide range of sensors for measuring environmental variables that can be connected to the data logger, including sensorsfor measuring temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed, solar radiation,amount of rainfall, etc.

The data logger can be supplied with a program of measures and stores pre-installed according o specifications of the customer, in order to be operational immediately after installation ofthe system. The program is installed directly from Delta Ohm to meet the required specifications when ordering.

The data logger configuration (measurement acquisition and recording program, GSM settings,etc.) is password protected.Power supply from 12 to 30 Vdc. The system can also be powered by a solar panel and backup battery of adequate capacity, allowing for installation in remote sites without electrical power.An internal lithium battery keeps the date and time of the instrument in the absence of external power. 

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  • Power input PWR 12…30 Vdc.
  • Switched power supply output +Vsw. With the same value of the power input, but activeonly during acquisition of measurements.
  • Regulated power supply output +5V.
  • Inputs for analogue signals. Divided into 8 channels corresponding to 8 differential inputs(BIP channels) or 16 single-ended inputs (UNI channels).
  • The differential input number isshown in white to the left of the terminals.
  • Terminal for ground protection.
  • Digital input/output channels. 8 channels are available, each one usable as input for connection of sensors with ON/OFF digital output, or as alarm outputs.
  • Not used.
  • PULSE inputs for high frequency pulse counting Two inputs are available, marked with P1 and P2.
  • Insulated inputs SW IN for number of voltage-free contacts opening/closing count. Two inputs are available, marked with 1 and 2.
  • Voltage-free contact alarm outputs. Two outputs are available, marked with 1 and 2.
  • RS485 serial port for the connection of anemometers series HD2003 and HD52.3D…, and sensors with MODBUS-RTU protocol.
  • The connection to the RS485 port of sensors other than those indicated may not work properly due to a different communication protocol.
  • Memory card reader.
  • RS232 serial port COM PC, for direct connection to the PC or for connection of the optional
  • Radio Modem (Radio Modem version) or of the optional Ethernet module.
  • RS232 serial port COM AUX for connection of the optional GSM module.

  • Sizes / Weight:
  • 222x140x63 mm / About 1 kg
  • Case material:
  • Coated aluminium
  • Operating conditions:
  • -20 … 50 °C, 0 … 85% RH no condensation
  • Storage temperature / Power Supply:
  • -25 … 65 °C / 12 … 30 Vdc
  • Absorption:
  • 40 mA @ 12 Vdc
  • Data acquisition interval / Data logging interval:
  • Programmable from 1 to 60 seconds / Programmable from 2 seconds to 24 hours
  • Storage capacity:
  • 4 MB internal memory;
  • SD memory card reader up to 4 GB.
  • Number of samples that can be stored:
  • The storage of a record consisting of N values requires (4 x N) bytes of memory plus 8 bytes for the date and time.
  • Analog inputs:
  • 16 channels, each channel used as an single-wire (single-ended);
  • input or alternatively two adjacent channels used as a differential input.
  • Measurement ranges:
  • ±25 mV, ±100 mV, ±1000 mV, ±2500 mV;
  • Resolution: 16 bit, Accuracy: 0.01% f.s.;
  • Input impedance: 100 Mohm.
  • Digital input/output ports (I/O):
  • 8 ports, each configurable as an input for connecting a sensor or alarm output or sensor enabling.;
  • TTL logic levels (0‰Vin<0.8 V, 1‰Vin>3 V);
  • Max. input voltage: 5.5 V
  • Inputs for high frequency pulse counting:
  • 2 inputs; Frequency of pulses 100 kHz max.;
  • TTL logic levels (0‰Vin<0.8 V, 1‰Vin>3 V);
  • Minimum pulse duration 10 μs.
  • Inputs for number of potential-free contact opening/closing counting:
  • 2 insulated inputs; Switch frequency 50 Hz max.;
  • Minimum opening or closing time 10 ms
  • RS485 connection:
  • RS485 port (up to 8 sensors can be connected) for Anemometers series HD2003 and HD52.3D and sensors with MODBUS-RTU protocol.
  • RS232 connection:
  • 2 RS232 ports, one for connection to PC or to optional Radio Modem or to optional Ethernet module and one for connection to optional GSM module.;
  • Sub-D 9-pole male connectors
  • Alarm outputs:
  • 2 insulated voltage-free contact outputs;
  • Contact: max. 1 A @ 30 Vdc resistive load;
  • You can configure the single digital I/O ports as alarm outputs
  • Auxiliary supply outputs:
  • +5V regulated, max. 500 mA;
  • +Vsw (switched): with same value of the power input, it is active;
  • Only during acquisition of measurements

  • (1) HD32MT.1 Programmable data logger
  • (1) HD32MTLogger software downloadable from Delta OHM website.
  • (1) SD card
  • (1) Instruction manual.
  • NOTE: Sensors and cables have to be ordered separately. On request, optional communication modules (GSM, Radio Modem, ETHERNET, …) to be specified when ordering.

Note: Prices are not binding at any time subject to change without prior notice